Thanks guys but, it would sure be easier to decide if you would all agree!
Ok, let me put it this way. How much more is a brand new 162" tracked sled worth than the same sled in a 153"?
The two sleds I am looking at, have the 162" priced at $600 more for the 153.
To me, that's too much of a difference. If I can get the dealer to go to a $200-$250 difference then it would really be tough to decide but, as it stands now that extra $600 will pay for my SLP pipe.
Thanks again and keep them coming.
Go with lhe longer track and save the money on the pipe. I know several people who run the slp pipe on their xp's and they all say there is very little to no diff. Only thing they agree on is it looses some weight. I say the extra traction is more advantage than 5lb. weight savings. Not sure but I think slp says their pipe works best if motor is ported.