I have the old Adrenalines and worn them right out. Busted lace eyelets and fabric worn off, not even close to waterproof anymore. And I bought 2010 ones to replace.
If you think about it though I had them for 3 years ~15 rides a year so I wore these boots for ~45-55 days. Not very long for them to be as worn out as they are....
Well if you think about it, we don't walk on cement/snow/dirt all day long. We are doing the two-step on our runningboards all day long. I'm not sure about your boards, but most newer sleds have some pretty sharp edges and with that, well, I kick the sht outta my boards and skis. My HMK BOA's lasted 2 years before they started leaking. Bout 35-40 rides. Longest lasting boots to date, before I had used Altimate and Burton boots. Got a new set every year.......I'm hoping I like my Adrenaline's(along with the socks) and have em for atleast as long as my HMK's lasted, if they last longer.....bonus...