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A Snow Mobile for George - What a crock of ....


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 12, 2006
Kingston Idaho
i hope he crashes his POS jeep and the sled comes off the trailer and the bull horns stab him in the head
Nov 26, 2007
Helena, MT
I think all the Californians causing problems move to MT to HIDE. Kinda like Ted Kaczynski.:eek:

Anybody else notice how this "Going Green" thing is getting bigger and bigger each day it seems. Heard a few ads about trying to correct the "Global Change".
Not really sure I'd want the planet to be any colder than what it was this winter...he11 winter finally left MT last week!

Hopefully this whole "Green" thing is just a fad and hopefully we'll still be around when it's over. Maybe another winter like this years will shut a few people up.


Mar 14, 2007
Remember when acid rain was gonna kill all humans? Yeah. I think this "global warming" now "global climate change" (because they know it's a crock of scht) falls under the same category.
Nov 28, 2007
Spokane, Wa
Why do they always have to be from Oregon, Washington, and Northern Montana?

Hey now, quit giving us Washingtonians a bad name!! Just cause there are some dummies in Seattle area doesn't mean we're all uneducated bandwagon types!! This guy is from Cali anyway, he just makes a stop in Oregon...

I know we're all hot about this and this guy is totally fabricating chit but I just want to say if we respond poorly -like with threats or trash talking- it will get him the positive spotlight he is looking for and us the NEGATIVE spotlight!!

Let's focus on the positive, like how we've cleaned up our act, and punching holes in his facts... and the copyright thing... did anyone look into that? that's a great one!
Nov 28, 2007
Spokane, Wa
Email I sent this homo... I'm sure I won't hear back from him but we'll see...

Dear Sir,

Please take the time to read this. I am not trying to attack you or your documentary; I would merely like to point out a few facts to you and try to give you a glimpse of who you are hurting with this film. I have not been to one of your screenings, I live in Spokane Wa and I do not believe you are scheduled to come to my town. However, from watching the trailer and seeing the response it’s getting in the snowmobile community I felt the need to write you. The first thing I feel the need to point out is that you chose to represent snowmobilers and their machines from years ago, there have been MANY changes made in the industry since then. Also, I don’t know that you really did your research and showing clips of riders in Yellowstone National Park is very misleading to the public. This area has been closed down to snowmobilers for some time. I really wish you would have gotten your facts straight in this documentary. I fully understand you wanting to take a stand and help with some environmental issues but in going about it the wrong way you are only going to cause anger, frustration and a further rift between the two factions. I am coming from some extreme middle ground. My mother owns a health food store and my father is a logger! I understand the issues on both sides of taking care of our environment but still being able to use it for resources and enjoyment. The more people’s emotions play into this the more you create a DOWNWARD spiral and do not get the results you are looking for. An all out war between the two positions does not need to happen for our environment to get taken care of. A solution is needed, not more fighting!

I believe the snowmobiling industry has cleaned up its act quite a bit in the last few years. I believe certain areas have risen to the occasion and realized that some places should be protected and they have banned snowmobiles. I agree with this. However, I also agree that there should be areas left open for us to ride. If too many areas are closed, or if they are closed because the general public was swayed with INCORRECT statistics or ‘facts’ then all this creates is less of a willingness on the snowmobiling community part to acknowledge the new laws. It creates a rebel type of attitude that defeats the purpose. In fact, when tempers get hot people may make the WRONG choice just to prove a point!!

I don’t know if this will make any sense to you or even make a dent in your choice to show this film but I hope in the future at least you will consider those that you are hurting and choose to represent the story by presenting facts, not outdated equipment, opinions and footage! You run the risk of doing damage rather than any good by creating negative attitudes. If you would like any information on this sport so that you can represent it truthfully please do not hesitate to contact me. I believe I am a conscientious citizen who does their part to protect the environment. I have hobbies that I have chosen to pursue and for that I have an increased carbon footprint. However, I don’t regularly travel across the states pulling an outdated snowmobile which might put my footprint less than yours!! I also make sacrifices in other areas of my life so that I can enjoy this sport that I have chosen! I am an HVAC Engineer whose focus is cutting operating costs and energy use of large commercial buildings. I do this on a daily basis, improving our environment and saving resources for future generations. I know you believe you’re doing your part by increasing awareness but the awareness you represented in your film was not truthful and it will only be harmful in the end. I believe both of us have a goal to protect the environment, at least I hope you do, I hope your agenda is not to make a quick buck at the environments expense, I am doing my part. Are you?

I would appreciate a response so that I know you have at least read and considered what I have said.

Thank you,
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Also, I don’t know that you really did your research and showing clips of riders in Yellowstone National Park is very misleading to the public. This area has been closed down to snowmobilers for some time.

Not a bad letter there Skadi. Although I didn't personally agree with all of your comments, I think most of them were right on the money. Besides, who said we have to agree on anything? :p

I thought I should point out that snowmobiles are still allowed in YNP. Not in the same manner as in years of distant past, as there are many restrictions on the type of snowmobile that can be used, the number of snowmobiles that can enter the park each day, and you must also have a guide, but the park is NOT closed to snowmobilers.
Nov 28, 2007
Spokane, Wa
Not a bad letter there Skadi. Although I didn't personally agree with all of your comments, I think most of them were right on the money. Besides, who said we have to agree on anything? :p

I thought I should point out that snowmobiles are still allowed in YNP. Not in the same manner as in years of distant past, as there are many restrictions on the type of snowmobile that can be used, the number of snowmobiles that can enter the park each day, and you must also have a guide, but the park is NOT closed to snowmobilers.

Point taken... We went riding in the Island park area and were told we had a boundary of the Natnl park and could not go in it... Guess that's from that direction and because we weren't part of a guided tour.... I will correct myself with this dude... at least the main point, that we ARE taking steps is still true!

Thanks for the kudos.... Like I said, I'm usually not one to write letters, I'm too uninvolved. Live in the mtns and take care of myself and my impact and do't generally stay educated on the issues at hand... This has always annoyed me though, people who try to really stir up the pot so that this hatred ensues. It does no one any good.. I dunno, maybe it's my hippie mother talking 'can't we all just get along?!' hahahaha Really though, if my parents could make it work for 15 yrs it just goes to show there is middle ground! Why ca'nt we focus on that?! Didn't these kids not learn to 'play with others' when they were in kindergarten?

Anyway, enough said... back to work for me...

Oh, and ya, you're DEF entitled to your opinion! That's what makes life fun!

Red Dog

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Well said Skadi Cheers, like CleElum said few hic-ups, but well read.Unless up to date Facts our on the table one can not make correct judgements. Cheers Red Dog enjoy your summer Emily.
Nov 28, 2007
Spokane, Wa
Well said Skadi Cheers, like CleElum said few hic-ups, but well read.Unless up to date Facts our on the table one can not make correct judgements. Cheers Red Dog enjoy your summer Emily.

Thanks RD! Hey, I still have 2-3 more trips down the the Tri Cities for work over the next few weeks... I'll try to look you guys up. Just get so busy workin when i'm down there! You have a great summer too! I'm gettin a little lovin done on my sled (or on an XRS I might buy) over the summer from Kelsey with RK TEK so I'm super stoked to be hittin it up next year. No more having to turn out mid chute for me! Say hi to BC for me, and enjoy that sun we're finally getting!
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
First off on June 17 2004, the House defeated an amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill (H.R. 4568) to ban snowmobiles from Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. So, how is this Bush's fault?

Clinton had ordered the banning of snowmobiles in Yellowstone, after his term was over of course, but in 2003 National Park Service revised the ban and ordered a phased in 70 reduction in carbon monoxide and a 90 reduction in hydrocarbon releases. BAT Best Available Technology. 4 stroke low emission snowmobiles, a lot better then a APEX emission wise. I'm sure this was influenced by the White House, a compromise solution to an otherwise bad directive.

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Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
How wonderful of an analogy. Let's compare the cleanest car in the world, to the oldest snowmobile's we can find. A snowmobile which hasn't been allowed into Yellowstone since 2004.

The cleanest gas powered car is the Honda Insight which produces about 11 pounds of hydrocarbon emissions per 100,000 miles. A phenomenal result by any measure. It does this by being extremely efficient, 66 MPG, and going overboard on emissions.

An old 2 stroke snowmobile produces about 13 to 22 pounds of hydrocarbons per 10 gallons of gas.

The EPA has already established clean air rules for snowmobiles that will reduce it's hydrocarbon emissions 30 percent in 2006, and 50 percent in 2012. Four stroke snowmobiles are make about 20 times less hydrocarbons than a 2 stroke. So that's less than 1 pound for every trip.

The average car produces about 77 pounds of hydrocarbons a year, a light truck (like the one he was driving) produces about 98 pounds of hydrocarbons per year.

A pre-1970 car will generate around 160 pounds of hydrocarbon year.

So, a "average" year of snowmobiling makes less pollution than a average year of car driving. Now consider how many cars there are.

I guess dill weed boy is going to save the world on the back of snowmobiles. I guess he knows how to "pick" his pollutant. Funny thing, the EPA now considers carbon dioxide a pollutant, a gas that the Honda Insight is proud to proclaim it is the most efficient car in the world at generating.

And, don't get to wound up over hydrocarbon emissions, hydrocarbons naturally degrades in open sunlight/air under a process known as bio-remediation, and ultraviolet breakdown.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
all good points.

I'd like to talk about the fish and dams...his trailer makes it seem like Bush built that dam to wreck the fish, etc. Anyone remember when the last damn was made? Also who wanted dams, yep So Cal and every other city dweller and crooked big business farmer.

Also his shots at the WTC and the governemnt covering up the toxins? Seriously, what the hell do people think happens when a building of almost all man made materials burns up? Are we gonna see fire fighters and EMTs suing the government in 40 years for health problems?
Nov 26, 2007
Helena, MT
WTF is with YouTube?

YouTube seems to be only allowing the positive comments.
I wrote "love it" just to see if it would stay.....and it did.
Is YouTube in on this too???
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