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A Snow Mobile for George - What a crock of ....

So, to get his point across about his opinion of polluting 2-stroke snowmobiles and environmental issues in general, he drives an SUV across America pulling a snowmobile just for show? What a moron.

That is gotta be bad for his carbon footprint! :confused:


A Snow Mobile for George

Movie Trailer on YouTube:


Snow jobs aplenty blown out by film
Movie’s simple query reveals machinations of Bush administration
Pamplin Media Group, Jun 12, 2008

In “A Snow Mobile for George,” filmmaker Todd Darling opens with a swirling panorama from a boat floating down the Klamath River, and asks:

“How did I end up here floating backwards down a river, 20 miles from a road, and even further from electricity? It all began in a cabin in California with a mystery about a machine, and it ended on the other side of America, with a letter.”

To connect these dots, Darling straps his family snowmobile onto a trailer, hops in a Jeep Cherokee and drives across the country to put human faces on environmental issues, ranging from the Klamath water wars to the toxic aftermath of 9-11.

The result: an eye-catching and provocative film that will make environmentalists smile, conservatives cringe and fans of Michael Moore chuckle. The film also sheds an opinionated light on the sophisticated electoral calculus behind many of today’s headlines.

Queries became conversations

Darling starts out with a simple question: Why did the administration of George W. Bush halt a phaseout of two-stroke engines in snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles?

To answer the question, Darling begins with a broad focus, turning his film into a countrywide look at deregulation and the clash between politics and science.

For Oregonians, the beginning of the movie is familiar territory, but with a view that was largely absent from the mainstream media’s coverage of the Klamath water controversy of 2001.

Darling’s interviews with Yurok fishermen who were on the short end of the Bush administration’s pro-farmer policies are combined with dramatic footage of dead fish in the Klamath River. He also interviews the Los Angeles Times reporters who broke the story of how Bush’s political adviser Karl Rove influenced federal policy on the Klamath in ways specifically designed to turn out Republican voters in Oregon.

Darling then heads to Wyoming to talk to ranchers who have lost their peace, wildlife and water as a consequence of a new sort of gold rush, as oil and gas companies race to extract methane from the plains.

This battle, Darling reveals, pitted political appointees from the U.S. Department of the Interior against the scientists of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – and you probably can guess who lost.

Darling then checks in on the toxic cloud of pulverized concrete, asbestos and chemicals that spread over much of New York City in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

While much has been written about the toxic aftereffects suffered by rescue workers who responded to the tragedy, Darling does an admirable job of clarifying the debate. He focuses on an individual paramedic with cancer, whose story illustrates the deceit of political appointees who rewrote news releases to conceal the extent of environmental hazards – potentially fatal ones.

Darling ends his journey in Washington, D.C., where he revisits the great snowmobile debate and stitches it into a grand quilt of analysis.

His conclusion: Sophisticated Republican political types have figured out how to merge the customer databases of big business with voter rolls. This “voter vault” of information is used to target interested voters, alert them to specific regulatory issues, and then marshal them to swing the vote in key states.

Film cut on the bias

Darling’s movie is more low-budget and not quite as intentionally inflammatory as Moore’s recent films, such as “Sicko.” But he uses many of the same techniques of simplification and humanization.

There’s also a Moore-like use of gimmickry – such as the recurring image of his cattle horn-bedecked family snowmobile that follows him on its trailer from the plains of Wyoming to the streets of Manhattan.

Like Moore, however, Darling’s approach leaves himself open to the charge of oversimplification. Not all environmental issues boil down to electoral maneuvering, nor are they all so easily silhouetted into black and white.

Rather, Darling has cherry-picked examples that lend themselves to framing Bush as an ecological villain. More difficult issues, such as lifestyles of consumption and relative excess, as well as population and its effects on the environment, are nowhere to be found.

Nor does Darling let on that Republicans are hardly unique in their urge to deregulate: The Clinton White House was guilty of similar maneuvers.

Darling puts on scant pretense of being an objective commentator. But whatever your political leanings, this movie does a fine job of tracing how political battles and esoteric bureaucratic decisions can leave a human trail of pain, and even death, in their wake.

‘A Snow Mobile for George’
When: 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 13, also showing June 14, 15, 21 and 22.
Where: Hollywood Theatre, 4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd., 503-281-4215
More: Filmmaker Todd Darling will be available for after-screening questions opening night.


Well-known member
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Jul 8, 2001
Sammamish WA
Crock is right!

I will be in that town Sat the 21st and cringe in that I will have to pay $ to see this piece of sh*t movie.

It is not enough that the snowmobile industry follows the law and cleans up the exhaust some numb nutz has to tell lies to make a misguided point.

De-Evolution at its finest is being accomplished in one generation!
Nov 26, 2007
Helena, MT
GREAT, another forest fawker with money is trying to get the rest of the world pissed off at snowmobilers. Why is it when they want to make 2-strokers look bad they use a 90's Polaris???
Try hauling around a 08 azzhat, probably is cleaner then your POS Jeep.
How in the he11 can he put snowmobiles with the rest of that chet???

Anyone notice that the clip had 5 stars??
More Azzhats!:mad:
Nov 26, 2007
Helena, MT
I felt the need to write him a comment on his website.

Here's what I wrote.
What a bunch of BS! Your taking a late 90's sled and saying it causes as much damage to the environment as oil drilling and such. You should get your facts right before making a movie about it. Then maybe you'd learn that the newer sleds today run cleaner then that fine Jeep your driving.
It's obvious your just some cross country skier or snow shorer that can't learn to share the land.
Grow Up.

I hope your movie bombs.

I think everyone on here should write this guy and tell him what kind of an azzhat he is....throw in a few threats if ya like...make him too scared to release it.:devil:


Dec 6, 2001
Longmont, Colorado
agreed BS, and the worst part is that the majority of of people cannot think on there own and will eat the lies for lunch, and we will have more retards out there. yeah nice example that was a 94 wedge with the choke on. I bet my 2 stroke viper get better MPG than his heep. Any day of the week!


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
I am seriously contemplating quitting my job and going back to grad school for some kind of film and/or media production degree just so I can make anti-liberal greenie garbage the same way this guy is :)

Jeff C

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Jul 4, 2001
Mahtomedi, MN
A couple of things I noticed when I clicked on this link and looked at the "Movie trailer" on You Tube

1. He associated the two stroke with the Yellowstone National Park sign, implying that two strokes are still going in there. Then he shows snowmobiles scaring the bison on a trail.

We all know what BS this is........

Then I saw a cut in piece of video in the movie trailer that appears to be copyrighted material from the Jackson Hole Hill climb video. Is there someone on here that knows how to get in touch with that guy who has exclusive rights to that video taken? I think there might be a copyright violation he might want to take up with this filmmaker.........

On the video trailer, he lumps so many environmental issues together, it appears that it will not make any sense in the film.....
Nov 27, 2007
McCall Idaho
bam film productions have the exclusive rights. i think thier website is bamfilmproductions.com this is gonna be great to see this guy get sued. everyone needs to write a comment on the youtube vid or his website.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Kent WA
Amazing how twisted people views can be. I sent a very professional but opinionated email on the websites contact page. We'll see if I get a reply.


SnoWest Paid Sponsor
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
mina sd
i posted this on his video

please get your facts straight before making a video about snowmobiles. Most of the sledders are great people hard working and contributing to the world we are the ones picking up the highways from people throwing trash out the windows we take care of the mountains so everyone can use them we pay taxes to use them and we also do studies that lead to cleaner burning engines in sleds and cars alike. If it was not for us no one would be able to use it at all. thank you


Well-known member
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Jul 9, 2001
We can't exercise our right to express our opinion on that piece of garbage.

I posted a comment also, gone.

W on a sled... That's cool!!! Spose you'll see the next Pres do that? Or stand up for our cause the way he did?
He also makes a statement that Bush overturned a complete ban on 2-stroke sleds. I don't recall anything back then about banning all 2-stroke sleds everywhere. Does anyone else know anything about such a proposal? Most likely the statement was just more lies and/or maybe he was referring to the ban in YNP, but he just didn't get his facts straight AGAIN.

Red Dog

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Dogmeat if you go back to da school and get another disciplin in Film, let me know I'll run the Electrical. Cheers Red Dog. Liberals:mad:
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