Who wants to be my "sugar daddy"? LOL
I'd be all over this.... putting a team together to get all the facts and supporting documentation and then building a website, producing a video and creating any and all promotional materials to get the facts out there and widely distributed.
We need something out there to counter the damage this guy and other organizations are doing to our community - something that we want to be apart of and love to support! Although, I love to support BRC and SAWs and other organizations like them, we need something more.
Stop Thrillcraft is a pretty serious threat in my eyes because there are just too many people in our country who will believe this stuff and with everyone on the "green" wagon today (I am in many ways), it will just be easier for them to gain more steam. But the general public needs to not only see the facts about us and that trying to erradicate us is a waste of their time and money but that their efforts and precious dollars should be focused on real and serious issues - why waste money and time on turning already protected from development and managed forests into Wilderness? (Well, because someone's making a lot of money off this idea!) There are too many other things that need to be focused on right now because those things make the biggest impact on our earth, our way of life and it's environment. The list is just too long to even go into detail about those things but I'm sure all of you can come up several of those issues within a 5 second period!