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A little bit about the new mod...


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Sandpoint, Idaho
I posted this in the other section, but in the chance that you folks dont see it, here you are:beer;:

I'm the newest mod on the forum, but I've been a member for a couple of years now. I'm looking after the Yamaha 4-stroke section so any questions or comments about that can be directed to me.

I was born and raised in Sandpoint Idaho. My parents both raced cross country in Alaska in the 70s with limited support from Arctic Cat. Growing up we didn't have the money to ride, but on occasion we would dig out the 1971 292 lynx and burn circles around in the field until it ran out of gas.

After highschool I enlisted in the Air Force and have been in for 7 years. If anyone is wondering I am currently an E-5 or a Staff Sergeant. I am an Imagery Analyst by trade - think google earth with better resolution and over hostile areas. So far in my career I've been a sensor operator instructor on the Predator UAS, and during that time helped capture several high level terrorists as well as lased in 3 hellfire missiles. After the predator assignment I have been doing more traditional imagery from the Global Hawk, the U2, and even some from the F-16 TARS pod. So far I've been to Iraq twice and I am deploying again next spring to the same location for the 3rd time. I am currently assigned to the Air Force Research Laboratory detachment 15. We do research and development on visible and Infra-Red light. Our telescopes can look at an object in space and determine what it is made out of based on what light is reflected or absorbed. (all the elements reflect/absorb light differently). Yes I am located on the Island of Maui. No it is not as awesome as everyone thinks it is. I like the beach, and the 78 degree water. The whales are cool when they are here. Out side of that, I hate that its been summer for 9 months so far. I need some seasons, and some colder weather. Hawai'i can be a hard place to live, especially for someone who has a SERIOUS addiction to sledding. Thankfully its only a 3 year tour and I'll get more seat time at my next assignment.

While on my last deployment I sent some e-mails to the yamaha dealers in northern california, and literally only got one response. I set up a deal with them, and when I got back I was able to pay for my 08 Nytro MTX 40th edition in full when I picked it up. That first year I was on the snow nearly every weekend and ended up riding with some of the team summit crew. I also made a bunch of friends that I'm iching to get back to ride with.
I learned quite a bit about setting up a stock nytro throughout the winter and got it to work fairly well. The last ride of the year, I pulled my first chute. It wasn't worthy of being in thunderstruck or anything, but heading up an off-camber chute with rocks all around got my blood pumping! Currently my sled has a 162 powerclaw, mtn tamer suspension, and is getting a Boondocker turbo installed this winter.
Last year I didn't get a lot of time on the snow because of my move to Maui, and this year I'm only getting 3 weeks to see family and fit in sledding before I deploy. That leaves me with a bunch of time to read up and research things for when I do get on the snow...and it can't be soon enough!

My other motorized exp is racing motocross. I raced for 3 or 4 years and was a mid pack novice...it was fun but I can't even compare it to the feeling of getting on a sled and having the entire mountain as your playground.

I'm a pretty laid back person, and I'm very understanding, but I'm also not a pushover. If anyone has any issues, I'm more than happy to help however I can.

Oh and if anyone comes out to maui to vacation, shoot me a PM!
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MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Sandpoint, Idaho
Thanks guys...I've got some ideas in the works that I think will help out the newer folks to the 4 stroke game. Stay tuned!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 20, 2001
Big Mountains of B.C.
Congrats and welcome.:beer;
Heres to all you do on this forum and elsewhere:beer;
I love Maui.......but I only go for a 10 day stint and dream about the white stuff while we hang.:D So yeah it must be hard for you.:)


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 13, 2002
Minneapolis, MN
Congrats Eric! Nice to read your bio and a huge thanks for everything that you do for us. :) Looking forward to a long and snowy winter. :D

Scott Murray

aka scmurs

Aug 7, 2009
Berthoud Colorado
I know I said this in a PM.

But, CONGRATS as well. I think you will be an asset as a moderator. And thanks to everyone that voted for all the members that volunteered. I like to see the members get what they ask for.

If you can catch a HOP to colorado let me know. I have an extra sled you can ride.

Congrats again,
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