A man walking accross the beach sees a bottle half burried in the sand. Excited he runs up to it and pulls it out and immediately starts rubbing it. Just as he expected and hoped, out pops a genie. The man, hardly able to talk because he's so excited says, "Awesome!! This is my lucky day!! You've got to grant me 3 wishes!!". The genie, holding both his hands up defensively says, "Hold on there, you cant really expect me to grant you 3 full wishes with todays economy, can you?" A little upset, the man says, "well what can you do for me?" The genie says, "I can grant you 1 wish, so think hard about what you most want before you ask it." The man sits down in the sand and begins to ponder about what he wants. After a time, he says, "I've got it. I love Hawaii, it's got to be the greatest place in the entire world, I love to visit there, but I'm scared to death of flying, and I get sea sick so easy that taking a ship is horrible, so what I want you to do is to build a highway from the coast of california all the way to Hawaii so I can drive there." The genie, laughing, says, "That's impossible, there's no way a highway could be built that could withstand all the waves and the storms. You'll have to ask for something else." A little upset, the man thinks for a moment later and replies, "O.k., I want to be able to understand women, I want to know why they do the things they do, understand their thought process, you know?" Immediately the genie gets the deer in the headlights face as he stares at the man with a completely blank face. After a minute the genie says in a defeated monotone voice, "Will 2 lanes be enough or does your highway need to have 3?"
A comparison-
True friends are like butt cheeks... From time to time crap may pass between them, pushing them apart, but they always come back together.
John walks up to Bob, puts his arm around him, being friendly, and says, "Bob, Do you know what the difference between an a$$hole and a rectum is?" Bob gives a not knowing look, and John says, "You can't put your arm around a rectum."
A comparison-
True friends are like butt cheeks... From time to time crap may pass between them, pushing them apart, but they always come back together.
John walks up to Bob, puts his arm around him, being friendly, and says, "Bob, Do you know what the difference between an a$$hole and a rectum is?" Bob gives a not knowing look, and John says, "You can't put your arm around a rectum."