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a clutch to fix........

Nov 26, 2007
so my buddy and i work for the same gravel pit operation in illinois and the boss said business was down too much to keep us working and gave us two weeks off, said we'd be back for sure...so we decided to make a quick 3 day to wyoming, continental trail area...left just after midnight, on the snow before noon, great ride, good fresh in the trees off the trail system...next day was super, motel owner gave us some tips on where to go that wouldn't be tracked out...everything went well, but my buddys driven came apart and we had to tow him back to the motel, put the sleds in the inclosed, turned on the heat and went inside the lodge to eat before we got started...the girl waiting tables hadn't been there the night before, and i couldn't help noticing her...early 30's, long brunette hair, maybe a titch of red in it, down to just below her bra line, loose blouse, super tite jeans that just covered the tops of her heels...kind of an athletic slim, maybe like a swimmer..as she walked away after bringing us menus, i noticed her peculiar walk, her legs moved not from her hip, more like from her waist, that gave her kind of a swing movement that certainly was attractive...she brought us our meals and drinks, i caught her eye for a moment, nice brown, large, not overly made up...nice even gaze, curious, maybe a little flirtatious, no guile...later i noticed she was talking to a guy that came in the front door, obviously knew him, didn't talk long and he left...she brought us our bill, we carded it, and she brought back the receipt, stayed and talked for minute...she said that was her ex that had walked in, clearing up a couple of matters for the split six months ago, but she was over it and ready to move on, as she put the receipt down next to my hand, i noticed she kind of put a finger on mine...she said she stayed in one of the cabins out back, the one just beyond the yard light, said the key was just above the door frame, above the door knob, she said nothing else, and turned away to walk back to the kitchen...again i watched that unusual gait...well my buddy said, i guess i know where you'll be tonite...no, i said, we've got your clutch to fix...he said, i can do it ok by myself...not a chance i said, you'll screw it up and we'll have to haul you back again...we went to the trailer, took about two hours to drill out the screws and get everything back together again...went up to our room, long day, he fell asleep almost instantly, i lay there thinking, couldn't sleep, the clock said just after 11, i finally got up and went to the large window overlooking the back yard, she was just walking back to her cabin, retrieved the key above the door frame, unlocked it, and put it back..he11, i hate decisions like this i thought, what a wuss, she invited you out, what do you need ?....the curtains in the small front room were open, a nite light showed her figure standing there, looking out...some can do one nighters, i thought, some just can't....the clouds were breaking up, showing the partial moon, ten inches of new snow for tomorrow, going to be a great day...and it was, we emptied our tanks plus our spare cans, loaded up just after 5 and hit the road home...lot of talk on the way home, need to do this more often i said...finally had to discuss the girl situation from the night before...may not make sense to some, but for me, i need to be in a committed deal, like i said, not everyone would agree....got home just after 1, put the sled in the garage, buddys outfit, he left...went in the house, quick beer, went back to my bedroom....nite lite was on, she lay there on the bed, a picture of beauty, strong upper body, long, black as night, my girl....a 2016, 162, black le m8000....:face-icon-small-ton
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