You will need the two 38mm carbs, and the cables for the throttle and the choke. The throttle bodied cylinders have a slightly larger mounting spigot, so when I did mine several years ago, I bought new carb boots and used a belt sander to whittle them down and fit them inside the throttle body boots, and used Yamabond #4 to seal them in place. The intake carburetor bells are different size fitting into the EFI airbox, so I cut off the ends of the original throttle bodies and epoxied them onto each carburetor bell. Fit right where the EFI had been. Took a little bit of finagling, but when it was all done, it got about 15 mpg and there was no more midrange hesitation. Prolly did this ten years ago, and it still runs great. I had also installed a standard Mikuni fuel pump like the stock non-EFI used. This was on a 500cc twin, but if it is something different, it is likely a very similar process.