Never understood this. You either get lucky or you don't. They are all pretty good anymore unless you're unlucky. I've had really good luck but don't keep stuff that long. I also usually have something else to ride. Buddy's first year 850 went down at 50 miles but i don't think he missed another weekend. My boost has been trouble free but half the miles i would usually have. I've had about every first year model except iq or dragon and no problem. Had a doo or cat then. My 07 xrs was awesom until Buddy's girlfriend got it hot. Everyone had trouble with that. Most of this stuff is caused by brand bias on internet or you don't hear anything but bad. Polaris doesn't have a stellar track record but better every year. I bet 9r is fine. Will someone's blow up. Yup. Will it be mine hope not.Probably wouldnt buy one first year
People aren't getting any younger. Why sit around your whole life waiting. I know you're still snowmobiling but you're not doing what you really want. I'm not going to be one of those people with a big list if someone asked you what you would do different. Missing out on life waiting. I'm not happ with 3/4 of the hill or willing to settle