There are many that have had Zero problems with their 900's, both 2005 and 2006
There are many that did... some horrible. And most of these are wrecked, have had regular maint and still cant keep multiple cranks in the sled.
I've given my point of view on this in many other post so I wont beat it to death here... the factory made some that had "good" alignment and some that did not.
Polman, a lot of dealers tell people that they "set the alignment" but there is no way to do that on the 900's and 755's ...these sleds have no ability to adjust the alignment built into the design other than the belt deflection adjustment built into the team secondary. Much different than the 600/700/800 IQ-RMK's design that IS adujstable (the edge sleds too)
In fact, I met a gentleman that got 1600 miles out of his 2005 900 on the 080 belt.. he had a good one.
It's funny to see the two sides of the coin presented on here. People that have had Zero problems with their 900 find it hard to believe that so many are having BIG troubles and those with Big troubles with the 900's cant belive that others are having no issues.
Because I have seen the horrible way that these sleds fail in regards to cranks, I recommend that only the 3211115 belt be used, a good clutch setup and gearing is used, 2006 or Compfusions mounts are used (Comps are far and away the best), and the clutches are set up for spacers, balanced and kept in top running condition. Some will still break cranks... blown belts seem to be the kiss of death for these and usually dont fail right when the belt blows, the cranks are severly weakend when the belt blows and fails sometime after that...some dont need a blown belt at all.
I have personally been exposed to 900's, that the dealers, under warranty, could not keep cranks in... There was one that went thru 6 cranks in 2 years (4 of those complete crate motor assemblies, 1 new crank/case, 1 new crank alone) ... all under warranty... they finally had the chassis (bulkead/tunnel) assembly replaced with the last crate motor and the problem went away and he now has 2500 miles on the sled since... with zero problems related to the engine and drivetrain.
Happyfast and HighVelocity... your sleds sound like units that were in spec... That is AWESOME!!... Make sure to keep the maint up on it. have the clutch balanced for good measure... I still, IMO, firmly believe that the 3211115 belt is the best available of all Polaris and aftermarket belts and should be part of any "preservation program" with the 900's to keep them running.
OH.. and the problem that seems to be rearing its head.... PTO side Jackshaft bearings are starting to go and taking out the aluminum chassis support with it.