i dont know what you mean jumping pins?
jumping pins, i mean using a jumper wire, remove the chassis relay and jump across terminals...its been a while since i read the EXACT ones to do, but doing this will tell you if the ECU is sending a signal to that wire..and if not the ecu is defective...buts lets stay away from them for now..lol..
and again ohming the wires not sure,
ohm a wire is using a multimeter and setting it to the "horsehoe" symbol, and connecting the 2 leads from the meter...one on each end of a single wire it will send a signal through that wire...if the meter reads anything the wire is good..if it reads OL, there is a break in the wire somewhere within the insulation..meaning the wire is broken and need replaced..VERY good troubleshooting help
and stuck pin ? do u mean like stuck inside? cause in one of the plugs there was rust in one slot we tried cleaning it out. but before this happened my lights would sometimes cut out, they would be on but just barely then i would wiggle the two plugs then they would work not sure why hope it helps.
a stuck pin could be pushed in, if you connected the wiring harness to the gauge and 1 pin was at an angel, the housing could have pushed it back into the housing and therefore there is no power going through it into the gauge...pull the harness out and look at all the pins inside and make sure they are all nice and stiff in there and not excessively loose either..
and im sorry for my lack of knowledge electronics are not my thing but thanks anyways.
no worries my friend..we all have to learn one day