Drop the compression!
HCRRIDER, If I remember, you are running a cross country race in deep snow terrain.
The 2010 motor is running 13.5:1 compression. Pretty high for 87 octane fuel.
If it does not effect your rules for racing, I would recommend calling Kelsey at RK-Tek and getting one of his heads set it up for a little lower compression ratio. With the added cooling and a slight drop in comp, you should be able to run the 87 all day long with no issues.
If a head change is not an option, you may be able to have the combustion chamber of the head cut, or go with a thicker base gasket for your cylinders.
The thicker base gasket will lower the compression, but will also change the port timing a little. On the 09's it ran better with port timing change, not sure about the 10's. Again, Kelsey may have some inside knowledge from testing.
D&D may also have some input if you prefer to deal on the East Coast.
Good Luck and Ride Safe!