Either put up or shut up clutchman. You claim 5000+ miles on your miraculous builds, yet you wont warranty a motor past one season. You also think that the 800 big block isnt a crank breaker, try getting in touch with reality. We went over all your delusions about the 800 time bomb in a prior thread, no sense rehashing them here. I also recommended a Cat first, then a doo. I personally wouldn't own a Doo, but I wont own another 800 Polaris time bomb either.
You have no idea how many 800's I have owned and how many 800's that I have ridden with for the last 10 years since they have been out. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM DUMPED THE CRANK BEFORE 3000 MILES!!!!! Thats at least a dozen sleds. But of course, they don't have crank issues now do they all high and mighty know it all Clutchman.
Its useless to try to talk common sense to someone who has no sense at all. Heres clutchmans list of reasons for throwing the crank, These are quotes from his posts: (keep in mind that clutchman still claims that there is nothing wrong with the 800 big block)
1. This was not a crank problem it was a detination problem that was taking out your crank
2. If you do heavy mods to it and run race gas it will last longer
3. The pistons in the big block motor are so tuff that the detination would not hurt the piston much but would brake cranks.
4. With good oil balanced clutch and no detination the canks are just fine.
5. I don't trust any manufacture on having the crank tru eather so all my 800s i take the crank out and tru them and drill out the oil holes in the case
6. Lets just say this, Polaris has had mass crankshaft failure on their 800 Big Block.
7. I would say he did not take the time to make sure the case was OK and or that the crank was tru and in time
8. Do you have them set the side clearance for your belt when you have the clutch balanced
9. ( Most ) crank problems on ALL makes of sleds are do to improper warm-up. PERIOD.