You can undo the check valves and run the sled, they should have a drop of oil every occurring approx every few seconds. If no oil comes out then remove the check valve from oil line and run engine again, if oil comes out of line then you know the pump is working and check valve is not.
is there any posibillity that one cylinder can go down with the other fine and it could caused by the oil pump calibration or would they both go down
is it possible that i got off luckey on the one
and this was all caused by the miss calibration?
It was jetted at a 390... Pulled the oil pump last night and pulled it apart and it all looks great but i don't know what you guys are talking about check valves?? where are they located??
The check valves are where the oil lines hook up to the caberatuors and where the oil lines from the pump hook up to the case on the pto side/ mag side The check valve are the L shape fittings that are pressed into the carburator and case.
Does anyone have an oil line diagram??? I am wondering that two of the ports out of the pump are metered different then the others that would make sense cause it would give the carbs more oil then the mains or the other way around...