thats right there is no comparing these sleds in stock form because niether the nitro or the apex will hang with a 800 2 stroke unless it is boosted. i'd like to see the apex or nitro stock hang with any of the new 800's, its just not gonna happen. would love to have seen either of these sleds running in the powder we were in this weekend stock.talked to the major yami dealer for turbos here in oregon today, for a new apex or nitro with an entry level turbo and no suspension upgrades is about 18k. this is a 9lb boost on pump gas. only 240 hp. hmmm for that kind of cash in a 2 stroke i think i could get a m1000 get 240 hp and still have at least a couple grand left over suspension upgrades. if turbos are so reliable why aren't all the manufactures putting them on from the factory. is it because all that boost shortens the life of the engine? try and tell me boosting the power with a turbo doesn't put a ton of extra stress on the whole motor. that is why they quit putting turbos in most passenger cars, blown head gaskets and engines that wouldn't last half as long as thier counterparts without them. yes i have ridden a turbo apex, thank you snoboner, and yes it is the best hillclimbing machine i have ever seen on the mountain, bar none. but for the average sledder like me the cost is just tooo high. if they want to keep this sport alive $20 grand sleds are not the way to go!!! dave, i love the 2up muffpotbetter get a trademark on that name before someone else does!!!!
Why would you want to argue about the middle of the pack? That's like betting on which horse will finish 10th. So let's talk mods, that's where all the fun is. And everybody knows there is no bigger, cheaper, or more reliable HP than a 4s turbo.
I'll give you some material for future arguements. I'll sell you my turbo apex for $200,000. Now you can tell everybody a turbo apex costs $200k. Truth be told you can get into a used one for $12k or a new one for $15k-$16k. Not $18k or $20k. And it's 12lbs on pump gas.
A 240hp M1000 will get CRUSHED by a turbo apex. So why even consider spending the same on something with the fraction of reliability and less HP? Let's talk belts. A $60 1000 mile Yamaha belt at 300hp or a $100+ 200 mile AC belt at 160hp???
Ride what ya like, but the blinders are gone and I've seen the light