You think the above is as far right as the media is left? That is fricken scary... Where does that put Ed Shultz?
The main media might be a little to the left, but not as far as Rush would have you think. Next thing you are going to tell me is that the majority of people are liberals or conservatives.. Where did the moderates go? Did they get eaten?
WRT to Rush, there is a difference between showing only one side of the story, and manipulating facts around to create the other side of a story...
Obviously the above doesn't hold true to the global warming bs.... as both sides are equally retarded...
Looking at your arguments, it does seem true.. The amount of emotion that is used, the use of labeling... Rush wouldn't have anything to say if he was limited to talking without those tools...
Seems like all most of conservative media tries to do is inflame and enrage people... and they will do a lot to try and achieve that goal, even though the purpose of that goal is muddled..
Hillarious, common sense and the truth enrage people, because they are being told that their life savings is being cut in half, to make sure the poor get a new flat screen. Whats wrong Ruff? Your team has nothing to complain about and attack? Cant ride the Inherited Economic Crisis train forerver.
So because the medial attacked Palin, that makes them liberal?[/QUOTE]
Come on Dude, where was the in depth anal investigation into his Highness? They didn't chase and follow the Bambis like they did the Palin Family. You cannot deny this one bit. As far as going there with this, I will put my Gov's Govt career against Bambi's any day of the week.