I have read some decent posts from you in the past Dogmeat - posts where it seemed you were at least willing to try and win this fight by being involved before some particular closure may occur - but in this thread it seems you are advacating that we snowmobilers should all no longer even try to stop these closures. Do nothing about them, and just give up and ride them once they are closed.
Am I missing something, or is that what it has come down to for you and many others? Because if that is where you and most other snowmobilers are now at, then I am certainly wasting my free time on land access, and I guess I also should just give up and let the government do what ever it wants to do without any flack from the snowmobile crowd.
It seems some go down fighting, and some just go down. I prefer to be in the group that fights this crap until the end.![]()
I guess honestly I am so sick and tired of the liberal wilderness juggernaut I don't see this as a battle we are ever going to win. It's being supported from the urban population centers of the country and they are only getting larger and larger and larger and larger and will continue to do so. Rural America is going to have less and less and less of a voice. This has been something that's been steadily building for the last 40 years, it wasn't like this was invented this century, but quite honestly, I don't think we can stop this ... Eventually every national forest and sand dune, lake, river, stream, EVERYTHING is going to be declared "Wilderness" ...
The sick part of all this is, it has _NOTHING_ to do with preservation or "saving the environment", it exists soley for the sake of producing political power and quite frankly I am not convinced it's not ultimatley a conspiracy to shut down the development of natural resources in this part of the country as well. I think it all goes hand in hand.
As far as my broader sociopolitical viewpoint goes, I think that what happened to russia in the late 80's and 90's will eventually happen here, and quite honestly I hope it does. I am *SICK* of southern california or east coast liberals dictating how we have to live our lives out here so they can drum up votes for themselves back home.
Don't get me wrong, I am fighting this every way I know how. Every time this has come up I've set a letter to my represenative and/or senator about it. Hell last time I even sent letters to senators that I don't even live in their state. All I'm saying is, it's a losing battle ... as much as I hate having a defeatist attitude, I don't see where this is going to get better.
That's why I quite literally am advocating here mass civil disobedience. Let them make it a wilderness area. I'm gonna go ride there until they physically stop me. Arrest me, impound my sled, fine, I don't care ... I'll make as big of a political statement as I have to.
This seriously causes me to lose sleep at night. Really, it does. I drive down the highway or up in the mountains and I find myself just shaking my head going "One day the idiot greenies are going to take this from us" and I can't stand that thought .... but we are NOT gonna win this fighting in court.
We're on the wrong side of the spectrum. The people preaching this to the urban population centers that support this horse **** have spoon fed these people their new relegion, and to them, we're the antichrist.
I mean those goes beyond land closures, it's at the point you have to take into account the cultural shifting of the country here, and that is COMPLETLEY out of our control, and those with a leftiest greenie agenda are gonna milk that for all it's woth...
again, I hate this idea, but seriously, I will not abide by it. I view it in the same manner as a black woman sitting at the front of the bus in alabama in the 50's quite frankly.