I have a ‘22 with 600 miles on it. Last year I had noticed a bog in the mid range. Didn’t think much of it towards the end of the season. November I put a Speedworks Stage 2 on it. Wasn’t able to check it out until a month ago. The bog was much more noticeable than last year. Appears to be normal until the machine is really warmed up. The bog happens from 3800 to 5600. Once above that, it runs great. I’ve had it at the shop for almost a month now. They’ve check every thing, reeds, compression, injectors, ECU and even put the stock mapping back in. They’ve talked to Arcticcat and Speedworks without any solutions.
On the stand, it runs great until the temp reaches about 110, that’s when it acts up. Next idea is to pull the crank and see if there’s any discoloration indicating a potential crank bearing issue.
Any ideas? Are we going in the wrong direction?