All it takes is one visit to India, China, Tiawan, Mexico City etc to break you of that.
Those are the countries we export our pollution, and jobs (because of the permissiveness), to.
I think that YES, there are some crazy EPA regs that defy reason... and that also there are many special-interest groups and corporations like Monsanto that are evil and steer the EPA more than you would believe... but the regs ARE necessary or Corporate-America would have us living in a sewer.
Los Angeles is cleaner now with many, many more vehicles than it was in the 1970's... you could cut the smog with a knife back then.
I'm for reason and common sense... not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
IMO, sleds SHOULD be required to meet pollution standards and the mfgs HAVE stepped up to the plate to sell us cleaner running machines that make unprecedented power and economy.
We live in a world where there are a lot more fuel burning vehicles produced than are scrapped everyday... we need to be responsible and reasonable.
My 2 cents.