Meanwhile, the Lava Mountain Fire has been garnering increased attention as it approaches Togwotee Pass and Highway 26. The highway remains open but the fire is close. Several ranches have been evacuated and more are standing ready to bug out.
Long Creek subdivision, Sheridan Creek Cow Camp, MacKenzie Highland Ranch, Timberline Ranch, and Teton Valley Ranch Camp have all been evacuated. Falls Creek Campground, Roaring River Subdivision, Buckboard Subdivision, Lava Mountain Lodge, Double Bar J Ranch, Lava Creek Ranch, Big Diamond Ranch, Triangle C Ranch, Hat Butte Area, Sawmill Turnoff, Warm Springs Subdivision, Porcupine subdivision, and the Union Pass Area all stand ready to bolt if the order is given.
Firefighters are holding the line at Forest Road 540 where backburns are scheduled for today. The fire was lightning caused, first discovered on July 11.
Incident Commander Rick Connell is directing the efforts of the Western Montana Type II Interagency Incident Management Team that includes 492 personnel, 13 crews, 7 helicopters, 2 water tenders, 29 engines, 1 dozer, and 1 skidgen. The fire is estimated at 5,488 acres with zero containment.