I am running 13.1 head and hps can with MDS weights, 68grams in the Cascades at same elevation your posting and I sometimes hit rev limiter but no det, My buddy is running your buddy's same setup and 67.75gram MDS and last Friday was banging rev limiter barely touching the gas, we were riding between 2800' and 5700' all day but still no det, he is running 50/50 mix of avgas and 91 non ethanol. I am running just 91 non-ethanol, I'd say that you probably need some more weight in the clutching for sure, but not understanding the det issue, how much race gas is blended in? I have another friend with just the PAR 13.1 head and MDS clutching and running 2 gals of race and would hit det 2-3 times going in to riding area when two of us were fine, dealer found his timing was off on his sled, and it was a new sled. Maybe fuel map is off? Did your buddy set the TPS with his computer? Could be several things, hope you guys figure it out and get it on the snow, sounds like you've got some up there to ride, no fun having wasted days. Good luck.