Ride Report 12/7/13
Rode out of Cloverland and other than the large herd of elk no issues getting to the snopark. Snow is dry and thin and you have to take it slow to keep from burning stuff up. About a mile down the road the snow gets to 8-10 inches but 4 wheel vehicles have been in and trenched it up. When you get to the Wenatchee Guard Station there is enough snow, but really only for road riding. At the marker at Misery there is two feet of snow. ATTENTION A** HOLES that drink beer and throw their cans all over the warm up cabin
You left a nice mess... next time put on your big boy or girl panties and PACK THE CRAP BACK OUT!!!!
Ok... got off the trail a little over by the hillclimb... broke open the B run easily in the dry fluffy snow. The A run needs more snow to safely run.
Sooo... line up on the B run to side hill over and up the top of the A run... what could go wrong?
Light up the Doo and in the fluffy snow so climbing and laying the sled over is easy and blue sky... sunshine all is good
Coming up to the top of the A run and the snow get a little firmer... no problem oh crap... it is now concrete!!!! "Scotty more power!!!!!" So smash the go lever down and wrong leg forward and try to keep the ever tilting sled on the hill... quick look down and going down the A run on this ice will be fatal
as there is so many trees and crap showing... and it is 2-3 inches of dry snow on ICE!!!!
Sled is still climbing and I am about 20 feet from the top but running out of space quickly... I think I can, I think I can I think I can....
OH CRAP!!!!!!!
where did this snow drift come from??? kicker, going to get ugly, can't bail as the sled will get treed... so I threw the sled up hill on its side... ski hooks under the ice and
end over end (remember the "more speed Scotty"? We are at warp speed) hanging on for a second I then get tossed out ahead of the sled and I am thinking, "oh great the sled is going to land on me" and it does... and we come to rest pushed up in the trees. Digging out my leg from the sled I survey the damage about the same time Janet lights up the radio, "Are you okay?" "Yes" and then she says %#)#&%#_Y&_#_&Y%Y+#&#Y%_&#Y#%#__*Y_%!!!!!!!!!
Sled is okay NO DAMAGE but getting it out is a challenge as I am peering down into disaster as the whole hill is slick as snot and there is only 2-3 inches of loose snow on top of the ice. Nickbro shows up for the rescue.... with some digging we build a shelf on the hill, a couple of tree boughs, ski pull and the sled is out
Go down the hill and meet the lovely wife and got the
... I promised to not do that again and she knew I was lying as I ALWAYS DO THIS...
Anyway need more snow. Large hoar on the snow so if we get a dump it will be scary conditions... ride safe (not like me) and pack your garbage out!!!