looking for someone running the mtntk full mod kit and attitude controller. I have the full mod with attitude box, mtntk pipe and mbrp can. looking for starting settings on the controller.
Is this the # you called? 12086520122 ? Apparently they had some issues with the dobek fuel controller that came with the kit, what they have been doing is using the bulldog tuner and reflashing the ecu. The last I heard they had done this on the 13 and newer ecu but because of the limits of the 11/12 ecu I don't think they have it dialed yet. Hope you get through to them and they hook you up soon.
That time of year. Everyones starting to get snow and now wants parts and expects it right away. I talked to them a few days ago had no problem getting threw. Id try again though probably got mixed up in the pile of people to call back.