Question, if you lose hp as you go higher in elevation (i think .03?) then you guys out in the rockies n what not at 6000+ are losing 25+ hp right? well does elevation affect dyno resault also? cause i ride normally at 1k-2kft and are d8s rip with just slp pipes n reeds and ive never heard anyone around here complain about there d8s laggin. n i ride with 3 other 09 d8s( 2 163 n 1 155 all with 600+ miles n no problems). my question is though does elevation affect dyno resaults cause if it does then arent alot of these stories of polarises advertised hp false or misinturpeted? but even if it is a 140hp 800 its still the best dam sled there is imo.
I may be wrong but most of the dyno sheets that you see will state that they have been corrected for elevation. Or corrected to see level or something similar. Could be wrong though