Well he bought the 2008 M1000 SnoPro. 2300 KMs (might actually be miles, not sure, gauge is screwed, needs a new one.)
Checked it all over, he rode it (first time riding a sled that isn't a 340 from the 80's.) and he had no clue what to do, was kind of funny. I got on it... Felt good. Very solid, motor was smooth, the motor mounts looked great. Bombed around in the ditches a bit.
Anyway, he gave the guy 5300$ for it. Brought it home. Sitting in the shop now. We noticed one of the spark plug wires are arcing to something, so we're putting new wires on it. We'll be doing a bit of work to it in the next few weeks.
It has Floats all around. My buddy weighs in at about 210. So probably 225 or 230 with gear. What would you guys recommend for suspension pressures?
I weigh 155lbs and have my 2012 with 130PSI in the rear shock, 4 threads showing on the middle shock and 70PSI in the front shocks.