Got "about" 1000mi on my 08 M1K i figure. I say figure because the speedo doesn't work, again, after being fixed once under warranty. Other than that and a very rare, random elect short that kills the engine (like 3 times last year, and no I didn't hit the kill switch!) the sled has been pull and go with a CPC head and SLP pipe from day one.
I won't brag about the clutching, but that's fixable and not Cat's fault.
Overall, good sled. Not too heavy for me, but I'm 2 hundo. My wife can't throw it around though and when I get on her M7 I gotta admit I like the light weight, but quickly tire of that in favor of the HP of the 1000!
Oh and just got on it's 2nd belt last year, maybe at 800 mi. They're not all belt blowers and mine died after multiple attempts at getting someone's dead sled out of a basin, I was real hard on the belt that day, it deserved to be retired.