Yes pretty much as I understand it too, I have ridden a 21 khaos with 165 2.75" and it is has a very snappy throttle response and worked very well but did not out climb my 18 cat 162 3" or the doo 165 3" guys in our group, that being said is the reason I went khaos 163 3" plus it has the belt drive now.So what I'm getting outta all this, is the 3" track, is a good track, but it got kinda watered down in the past, because it was still chain drive and not belt, it trenches more out of the gate, but in most cases it'll still out climb the 2.75, so the down fall is, it's heavier than the 2.7" and it's not a 3.5 pich, or are there other areas it affects the sled. I ride in the trees and open meadows.