I think the overall length of the sled is like 5" longer, so it makes sense that the tunnel and coolers are that much longer. Never thought about that aspect of the cooling system, but the extra length does probably help. I have a '13 163" Pro and have never had a over heating problem. You do have to be good about using the scratchers, but they really do work and that's why Polaris puts them on the sleds. My sled stays at 125°-132° in any condition using the scratchers.
BTW, if you're contemplating a new sled and don't know which to get, the 163"is the way to go. I can do doughnuts all day long, do downhill 180° turns, ride through the tightest trees, and pull steep hills with deep fresh snow from a dead stop. This sled is unstoppable and super fun to ride. Like I said 163 all the way!