No way they add any kind of a warranty. They’ll sell it “as is”
Hopefully (but doubtfully) the unaware buyer has some luck.
A friend of mine bought a 08 m1000 from a dealer with 1,800 miles on it. Made it less then 50 miles and boom. Seized up. He brought it to the dealer he purchased from hoping for some sympathy. Nope. Dealer said $2700 to fix. He paid $3500 for it. Now he’s screwed. He’s stuck with the “part it out” or fix and hope this time different thought process.
I’m not trying to shame you or this situation because what where you suppose to do? How many time did this thing get fixed and how much money flushed down the toilet? And the cycle goes on! Imagin how much money this sled will have thrown at it before it’s finaly scrapped? Next guy throws a top end or two at it. Maybe bottom end too cause when top end goes out who knows what kinda shape bottoms in. Then he says enough is enough and sells or trades in.
Another friend of mine bought a 2016 sks brand new. Pto seal just went at 340miles! Dealer is doing new warranty motor. But for fu&$ sake! Why can’t polaris figure out how to get better quality out of these things? Do they just not give a damn? Are they trying to get to much power out of these motors and reliability just isn’t possible? 150 horse out of a motor that weighs 150pounds is insane when u think about it.
I guess the only way to go is buy new with warranty, sell at a loss when warranty is up and repeat. Next owner has what... maybe a 3 in 10 chance of getting a decent machine?! Alright I’m off my soap box now
Hopefully some piston whisperer buys this sled and not some kid who saved up all his snow shoveling money over the last 3 years