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09 tm8 clutching


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Ok im new to the game i need to come up with some starting point for my 09 m8 turbo Im looking for a set up for around 8 pounds and one for around 14 pounds. primary and secondary. Im riding 4/6500 feet mostly. thanks for any info you can share.
Ok im new to the game i need to come up with some starting point for my 09 m8 turbo Im looking for a set up for around 8 pounds and one for around 14 pounds. primary and secondary. Im riding 4/6500 feet mostly. thanks for any info you can share.

I ran 75 gram Dakota Performance turbo weights speedwerx purpleish h5 primary spring and a 36/42 progressive helix with stock orange spring and a shift assist. Worked great from 6-9lbs.

Same setup but with 80gram DP weights for 11-14 lbs.
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MDS, I ran 6-12lbs same weights, but after 9lbs I think a different helix is better. I would personally run MDS with a 36/40
Mds with straight 36 for me. Love it. Consistent and much better on belts. Call Steve, do it right the first time. Make sure your secondary is solid, preseason I would be sure the secondary bushing is good to go and ride the hell out of it.
D and D magnaforce weights


The 81 gram d&d weights loaded till the sled pukes and then lighten up. I got the complete primary-secondary setup from OVS. Best thing, I bought! Tried lots of stuff and keep coming back to their setup except a little more weight.

The 81 gram d&d weights loaded till the sled pukes and then lighten up. I got the complete primary-secondary setup from OVS. Best thing, I bought! Tried lots of stuff and keep coming back to their setup except a little more weight.

I really like their primary set up. Not a huge fan of the torsional secondary conversion though.
I really like their primary set up. Not a huge fan of the torsional secondary conversion though.

I was in the same mind set until I tried one next to my best setup. I was shocked at the difference on the big end. I run a little more aggressive than they recommend, but that's just me.
Anyone try a straight 40,42,or 44 in secondary? Ive been thinking about trying a 42 on my 2010 m8 bd turbo, running 9lbs and have a 36-46 with stock orange sring now and I don't like it!
A buddy of mine ran one (40) for a while and it was rippy and fun. Seemed like the little he gave up on the big end was complemented by the mid range(play) area. Bottom wasn't a problem.
Anyone try a straight 40,42,or 44 in secondary? Ive been thinking about trying a 42 on my 2010 m8 bd turbo, running 9lbs and have a 36-46 with stock orange sring now and I don't like it!

I ran a straight 44 w/orange on my 12-14psi setup. But the key is having the weight profile match what your trying to accomplish.We want to load the turbo but it does need to spool first...
Example :Bd uses light tip weight (to get moving) then loads with a multi high end helix.
Well what do we know about turbos... They love load!! The setup I use is a MMsports setup which is similar to a MDS setup, they both use turbo specific weight profiles to load the engine rather than relying on the reverse angle helix. It lets you get moving and then loads the engine and lets the turbo work.
Both of these setups give you the smooth engagement to get rolling then the pull your looking for.
I run a straight 36 and want to turn the boost up this year to 12 lbs and I ride anywhere from 7-10500 ft. What kind of weight are people using for that set up. Also going to turn the boost down and ride at around 1000 ft at home in Minnesota.
I'm listening I did decide on the mm weights still thinking about the rest any more opinions?
MDS weights loaded to 81g
140/330 Primary Spring
34/42 Helix w/stock orange spring

8lbs boost on a Twisted kit with the 2876

Seems to work great but I'm always looking for more. I'd love to try MMsports 44* helix but I don't know if it'd work with MDS's weight profile. I'm too cheap to drop another $300+ on a clutch setup that I may not like. Maybe I'll see ya on the hill this year Hardass and we can compare setups.
turbo size?

Hardass. Hope you had a nice summer!

What turbo you running? Make and size of turbo?
These mds weigts. There the ones to go with? I run a 2010 m8 cutler stage 1 at 7-8 pounds 4-8000feet. I'm about 200 pounds with gear on. I am to looking for a good setup as well. I know I can get more out ov it just don't wanna spend a bunch ov money trying stuff and it don't wk.

The one thing I have found with turbos is that they are easy to clutch. I have seen they run good with stock clutching and they run good with just about anything in them. Its amazing how they work the key is getting most out of it. Trust me when you hop on a sled that just put the turbo and did nothing with the clutching they run good but when you put the right clutching in it it should rip your arms off when you garb the throttle. Its all about loading the turbo at the right time. If you load it to soon it will be lazy and if you don't load it it will be wimpy. So the key is finding that magical set up between helix and weights.

So the guy with the straight 36 yes it works but you are leaving a bunch on the table. I like the steeper helix for the launch and pull but not to steep 44 to 46. The key is getting your clutches to work together as equal as possible.
Wimp you know I'm learning here but its a 3071 center and turbine wheel 60mm with a tial external gated housing with 71 mm hta wheel on the compressor side any way its a start.
What kind of riding is everyone doing with these set ups are you riding trees or big long pulls? When you say I'm leaving alot on the table where is a good place to start for tree riding at 9500ft and 12lbs of boost. Really want that sled to pull my arms out. I was thinking of ordering the adjustable magnet weights from bikeman or is that a waste since I have cat weights from 77gram all the way to 85 gram
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