Is there much work in putting this drive shaft in the dragon, or is it as simple as buying it a putting it in.
Avid makes the drivers so that they fit the 2006 - 2009 driveshafts...
That is what Dub is runnning on his... stock shaft.
I think that the Combo drivers from Avid are a great idea...IMO.. should be on all High HP sleds.
Not to be confused with a true "extrovert"
A combo driver drives 99% of the time on the involute nubs of the track (just like the stock ones) but when the track starts to slip (AKA Ratchet) on those nubs the teeth engage the track and guide it back onto the involute nubs...the teeth RARELY contact the track.
A true extrovert, like the one used in the center driver on a Dragon does NOT engage the involute nubs on the track... when a stock Dragon track starts to ratchet all it has transferring the power to the track is 4 teeth on the center extro driver untill the involute nubs can re-engage the outside drivers... a poor design IMO.. especially when you see how close the drivers are and that they can collect a big ball of ice on them... now some may not experience this ice ball on their track... others do...
As Ron Pointed out... Carls does not run combo drivers on their sleds... but I think they are removing the center driver (at least Chris is on his custom build with the series IV 159 track)....
You don't want to run your track too tight either.... follow the directions in the Owners manual for tightening the track.... If you are at factory tension... and the track is still having problems... DO NOT increase the tension "till it goes away" ... especially not with these single ply tracks that come on the 2009 Dragon RMK's.
If your track ratchets or slips with the stock tension as specified by polaris (see below posts) then your engine is overpowering the abilities of the driver to drive the track effectively... or Ice is causing a problem.
IMO.. this over tensioning that many people are doing is what is causing the internal stresses in the belting of the track that is leading to de-lamination or seperation of the track.
Remember... these stock installed single ply tracks are brand new to factory built sleds for Polaris... what you know about the 2-ply or 3-ply tracks of the past MAY not apply to this new construction and over tightening may be leading to failures!!
Too tight could cause undue stress on the drive train and suspension.
IMO, Avid Drivers, with the factory Polaris specified tension on the track is the optimal setup for these sleds..
I wish that the Polaris factory would install the same style of drivers, made for the Tubular RMK shaft, that they bless all of thier 08 and 09 Factory produced Race sleds with... and ditch that Hokey center driver.
2008 & 2009 Stock drivers on the IQ-Racer chassis...
Is there much work in putting this drive shaft in the dragon, or is it as simple as buying it a putting it in.