I bought a 07 159 rev, stock with he exception of a hps can. clutch updates are done. the clutching seems to have a few hick ups in it. on the trail it revs to 8500 then falls off to about 7800 and climbs back up.
In the powder it revs to 8500, falls to 7800 and holds for a bit,....when the sled is startin to really dig at the end of a climb it starts to rev all the way to 9000. the sled seems to not have much track speed.......
kits advice........Id like to just do clutching to it, no mods.
In the powder it revs to 8500, falls to 7800 and holds for a bit,....when the sled is startin to really dig at the end of a climb it starts to rev all the way to 9000. the sled seems to not have much track speed.......
kits advice........Id like to just do clutching to it, no mods.