Ok Trying to help out a buddy here who bought sled last week and had to go work for a straight two week rig shift. he has Christmas off and wants to ride! I spent 7 hours till 2 am tearing it down last night to see what parts needed. The sled has a cracked hood going to have body shop take care of that. But bumper and the crap that holds it not in good shape. I may try and repair what i can but any ideas would help. Torque stop in pto side was half gone picked up new one one front left shock total pooched any sugestions for good second hand replacements I measured and they are 17 inches eye to eye. Oil inf cable jacket pulled from crimp I was going to glue it but bought the $36 replacement. Check exhaust valves and good bought replacement gaskets. pulled ex manifold and pots and pistons look good best i can see anyway. throttle bodies about as dirty as your worst nightmare. I needs to get it back together asap or it will not get done. I have read some of posts in this 900 section but most I can not get all done in time fram i have. If thee is a do and don't you can think of or if you have any parts or advice it will all be greatly appreciated. Want to do as much as I can sunday and next week a couple nights after work.
And oh ya,
Merry Christmas
And oh ya,