SkiDoobyDoo had some good points there.
I have a theory, and it's just based off observation and talking to people. That in the back of the mind of snowmobilers, and any sport like it, where there's lots of adrenalin an excitement, and a little danger, and a lot of cost. That in the back of your mind; somewhere, most snowmobilers kinda secretly wish the sport to be shut down. Kinda like a drug addict coming out of the fog, and wishing someone would make him stop. I don't know how to explain it better than that. I've just noticed it, in lost of people I've talked too.
O HE!! NO I'm calling bull sh!t. The envio want you too feel guilty because our sport isn't as "PURE" as theirs ie. crosscountry skiing, downhill, snowshoing ect. They never have enough, they have an area where I ride where no snowmobiles are aloud then they come over the summit (GELENA)and b!tch about hearing snowmobles in the valley. They don't what to share an area, they want it ALL for their sport. I do not want too quit snowmobiling because of cost, addiction, ect. but am tried of being treated like i'm a piece of dirt because i ride. IT WILL NOT STOP ME THOUGH!!!!!