Let The Good Times Roll In Montana

February 2020 Feature Web Exclusive

A big shout out to the Montana Snowmobile Association and Trans-Montana Charity (www.trans-montana.org) ride for letting us hang out with them last weekend at their recent annual riding convention and Trans-Montana Charity ride, which benefits the NAMI (www.namimt.org).

Hosted by the Wise River Jackpine Savages and Mining City Trail Riders clubs, the two-day event featured riding north and west of Butte, MT, as part of the convention.

We spent the day riding west of Butte and north of Wise River near the Continental Divide and had a great time with the group.

A couple of snowstorms rolled through the area before our ride, making for excellent riding conditions for our ride. And the sun even came out for a while, making it even that much better. It did start to snow as we ended our ride, helping cover our tracks for the next ride.

We started from the Rocky Ridge Trailhead and basically headed west, ending up along the Continental Divide, gaining nearly 2,500 feet during the ride. There are several play areas on the way to the Continental Divide where we spent a lot of time (and fuel) tracking up.

Good times.

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