If you’re an avid snowmobiler snow shows are like Christmas to you.
So let’s celebrate Christmas in October, more specifically this weekend at the Utah Snowmobile Show, sponsored by SnoWest Magazine, FLY Racing and the Utah Snowmobile Association.
The show, held at the Mountain America Exposition Center, 9575 State Street, Sandy, UT, starts Friday at 3 p.m. It runs until 9 p.m. that night and then starts all over again on Saturday at 10 a.m. and goes until 6 p.m.
All sorts of details are here: www.snowest.com/snowshows/home. Here you will find a list of exhibitors, what to expect and why you should go (hint: Christmas in October).
Here are a few photos from last year's show ... you know to tide you over until this weekend.