1970 trail king


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The "deckles,’’ or decals here in the states, were cool on the hood. Also, the speedometer could be installed with the needle going backwards compared to other snowmobile speedometers. Decals on the ignition switch were in both French and English. It came with twin 40-watt headlights with an oversized big chrome bumper. The hinged, strong, lightweight fiberglass hood allowed for easy access to service the engine and other components.

Trail King specialized in the sale of leisure vehicles like six-wheel amphibious ATVS, mini-bikes and wheel systems that could be fitted on a snowmobile. Trail King had wheel kits for front and rear for year round fun on these sleds. They were sold at Woolworth Department stories too!

Unfortunately there was a poor winter in 1970, making sales slow for Trail King so they still had 1970 models for sale two years later in 1972. After liquidations of all of the 1970 Trail Kings the company would retire from the snowmobile market.

This was such a unique and good looking snowmobile though!
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