Situation 3
You are trying to maintain a lot of momentum while traveling through deep snow and making tight turns.
• This comes down to the debate between a flexible or rigid sled design. The Polaris is the most rigid, which means the rider has to rely on throttle control and body position to make it turn. Polaris takes a little more effort to initiate a roll and get it up on its edge. But once it’s there it holds its line well. It’s interesting to see Polaris riders try to ride a Ski-Doo. They tend to yank too hard when initiating a roll and pull the Ski-Doo over on its side… and then it’s somehow the Ski-Doo’s fault why they are stuck.
• Ski-Doo is the most flexible, which means it assists the rider since there’s more motion happening throughout the sled design in the tMotion suspension and FlexEdge track.
• Cat falls in the middle.