back tracks 1982 scorpion sierra

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The engineers used an Arctic Cat frame, putting a patch on the running board where the rear shocks would have been. Remember that this was just a prototype and a lot of changes could have been made before the actual production unit would have been put down the assembly line. The seat was hand-made but they still used the rear tail light assembly from the Sidewinder sled the year before. Handlebars were from Cat but they used Scorpion skis. Most everything that was used on the 1981 Scorpion Sidewinder could have been used on the Sierra.

By the looks of this prototype, it sure seemed like Arctic Cat wanted to keep Scorpion snowmobiles available for its dealers in the future, but it wasn’t to be. It’s too bad it had to happen, but I’m so glad they didn’t destroy this great piece of snowmobile history and I am so lucky to have this Sierra in my collection.
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