Ever feel like you love winter so much that you just want to take a week and celebrate it? Well, you’re in luck.

The Winter Carnival in McCall, ID, kicked off on Friday and doesn’t end until Sunday, Feb. 5. The schedule is packed with a variety of events and attractions that are great entertainment for the whole family.

We had the opportunity to go watch Round 3 of the AMA Championship Snowbike Race on Saturday as part of the carnival. This particular race is the oldest snowbike race in the world and has run every year since 2009. This year, the race location was moved from the golf course to Riverfront Park due to the growing number of spectators and racers.

The new track was approximately 1-mile long and included turns on both flats and sidehills with beautiful mountain and river scenery. In addition to the championship race, there were classes for both men and women, kids, racers over 40 and an open class for snowbikes with motors 531cc and over.
There were also snowbikes available for the public to demo on a separate track. There were turns and hills so the participants could really get the feel of the machines.

Results from the race will be posted here when available: https://www.amachampionshipsnowbikeseries.com/.
The rest of the carnival will consist of concerts, snow sculpture viewing, food, a craft fair, snowshoe golf, a vendor court, snow tubing and way more than what can be listed here. For the full schedule and more information, visit the McCall Chamber of Commerce website at: http://mccallchamber.org/winter-carnival/event-schedule/.

Photos by Baylee Hansen