travel riding with chris burandt

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  1. Look up the hill, not at your front bumper.
  2. Your sled will follow where your eyes look 90% of the time.
  3. Always have a Plan B. If your first line does not work out, have a second option.
  4. Keep at least one finger on the brake at all times.
  5. Stay on your edge (sidehill) for more control with more route options.
  6. Keep your momentum, but not too fast, you should go slow... just don’t stop! Achieve a balance between “on the throttle” and “in control.”
  7. Take the steepness out of the hill. Use your sidehill techniques to get momentum back.
  8. Learn how to get unstuck by yourself without a shovel.
  9. If you start trenching, take your weight off the sled and let the sled drive back up on top of the snow.
  10. Put ice scratchers down when you’re on the trail ... your sled (and guides) will thank you!
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