Over the years we have learned the hardest thing on snowmobile trailers (aside from inexperienced drivers) are snowmobile ski carbides.
Although there’s not much we can do about rookie drivers, we have certainly learned how to protect the bed of our trailers: Caliber trailer accessories.

The problem with ski carbides is that they are designed to penetrate ice to provide an edge in steering. But when they penetrate the plywood floor of your trailer, you end up with a damaged trailer bed. Caliber has designed a full line of bed liners that not only protect the floor, but also makes driving in and out of your trailer much easier.
From low profile glides to traction grips to edge glides, Caliber features a durable friction-reducing glide technology that allows the carbide to float in the grooves of the glide—both protecting your trailer bed and eliminating unnecessary wear of your carbide.

Caliber even makes glides to specifically protect the edges of your trailer door and flex glides that will help turn your sled to go out the front V-door of your trailer. Practically everything you need to protect your trailer is available at Caliber.
For more information go to http://www.caliberproductsinc.com/.