shiny side up keep sled conversation going

If you’re in sales, you’ve probably heard someone tell you to “remember your ABC’s,” which stands for “Always Be Closing.” I was never a great salesman, but I do admire good salespeople who are great at keeping a conversation going.

If you are talking sleds, many snowmobilers can do this too, with almost any total stranger! Guess that’s part of snowmobilers’ DNA; we love to talk! Especially about new ways to enjoy our sport, from riding isolated woods and mountains, exploring and making new paths, to learning new tech and tinkering.

In the last 15 years, there have been many big changes to talk about too. Crossover and mountain riding changed by leaps and bounds, sled technology has made monumental leaps forward and vintage racing bloomed. New forms of competitions like freestyle, enduro-type hillclimbs are happening too. We even have OEMs sharing resources! There are new gear companies that are as popular as the star athletes wearing their gear. Clubs continued to tirelessly work to re-route trails and make new bridges, and riders are accessing more terrain than ever before. We have ‘kept the conversation going’ in the world of sleds.

For me and others, this is part of the fun of snowmobiling and we enjoy attempting something new, learning a new skill or mechanical process, or blazing our own path.

So enjoy our Buyers Guide and enjoy reviewing all the new 2016 models and dreaming of the adventures ahead. There are dozens of choices in so many segments! We’ve done our best to give you the most info possible for your buying decision, and there is plenty to talk about!

This is the kickoff, the start of the season, so read on to see the new ways us snowmobilers are keeping the sled conversation going!
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