(ED—The following comes from the American Council of Snowmobile Associations Executive Director Christine Jourdain)
Last week SnoWest ran a small story on our website about RTP being in jeopardy. If you missed that, go here: http://www.snowest.com/2015/07/rtp-is-in-serious-danger.
Following is an update from Jourdain.
Thanks to all of you that answered last week's call to action. Because of the many phone calls that Senator Lee's office received his Amendment was not brought forward for consideration. That is a victory for RTP.
Late last week, the Senate passed a six year Highway Bill. This bill passed the Senate with RTP in tact. It will now move to House for consideration in September.
The Senate also passed the three month extension that the House had passed before it left DC for the August recess. That means the current highway funding bill has been extended until Oct. 31.
If you have the opportunity to visit with your Senators or Congressman during the August recess, please remind them of the importance of RTP ... and that you pay for that funding every time you fill your sled.
It appears that a multiple-year bill will pass the House before Oct. 31. It is unclear, at this point, if it will be the Senate bill or if they will draft their own legislation. The one thing that is clear is grassroots will have to be involved. Your voice counts.
Thanks again for your efforts. They paid off.