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Minimal wiring
Q Inthe effort to minimize wiring in a Polaris XCR 800, I had all ignition wiring re-done. I am concerned with the 12 volt regulated side where I would ONLY power a Digatron for EGTs and water temps. All head light, tail light, OEM gauges and hand warmers have been removed. I have a new metal-bodied V regulator solidly connected to the chassis with a good amount of exposed aluminum around the regulator’s metal body, and the brown wire from the V regulator also connected to the mount bolted to the exposed aluminum chassis ground. I also plan to run an engine ground wire to the chassis ground as well as individual grounds to the coils for the cylinders. Is there anything special I need to do, like adding resistance or re-adding hand warmers to further regulate the voltage? – RogerBzXCR
A Using the large tympanium regulator or wiring up some hand warmers may be necessary to bleed off unwanted voltage built up in the stator. I would also ventilate the ignition housing to relieve heat trapped in and around the flywheel. – Todd Guthrie, Dyna-Tek Performance