wisconsin sled legislation

Noise levels
Possible noise abatement legislation is also being discussed and compromise seems possible between the AWSC, Wisconsin DNR and other interested parties.

Noise level enforcement has come about after many complaints through the years from residents who live near snowmobile trails. They complain of sled noise due to snowmobilers using loud aftermarket pipes and exhaust systems.

All sleds now sold in Wisconsin meet a manufacturer tested 78-decibel noise standard when originally sold. But, the current noise level test used by law enforcement on the trails is ambiguous and based simply on whether or not the officer feels the sled is "loud and obnoxious." This ambiguous wording has caused frustration on both sides of the debate.
While it is nearly impossible to duplicate the manufacturers' sound test along the trail, a suggested compromise on the issue has led to a new sound proposal.

The test would be an 88-decibel limit for sleds, taken by the DNR officer from 4 feet away, at 4 feet off the ground, with the sled running at 4,000 rpm. Details on the test can be found in the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) rules and procedures booklet under Test J2567.

Again, AmSnow is told there's no word on exactly when the new rules would kick in. So watch our Web site for the latest developments.
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