westinghouse digital inverter power generators review

These 4-cycle powered generators are quiet and very light. The new 1000W unit weighs just 30 pounds and the 2000W unit weighs in at a svelte 43 pounds. These are perfect for the garage, trailer, shed, race operation or anywhere that you keep your sleds and you might need an additional electrical power source. These generators are engineered to be some of the most fuel efficient on market. The WH2000i is about 10-14% lighter than most of its competitors, offers lower fuel consumption (due to smaller engine) yet cranks out same power.

Digital inverter generators work by generating AC (alternating current) power at a high frequency. It is then converted to DC (direct current), then back to alternating current that can be used by electronic equipment and appliances. This process is often called “clean power” which means stable and consistent current and a stable sine wave delivery. This will not cause a fluctuation in voltage which can happen with traditional generators. Uncontrolled fluctuations of power are dangerous to many high-tech and sensitive electronics such as computers. Inverter generators are a perfect fit for recreational use and emergency backup power.

The engine speed of inverter generators is regulated to match the load on the generator, unlike traditional generators that run at a constant speed with no variation to engine speed. Inverter generators have the ability to adjust engine speed to produce the correct amount of power required to run the appliances being used. Inverter generators are more fuel efficient and make less noise and vibration than traditional generators. This makes inverter generators economical to operate and environmentally friendly. The smaller 1000W gasoline powered unit can run 8 hours at 50% load and provide two, 120V AC outlets. More info: www.westpropower.com, 262-522-1450
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