vincent camp releases statement

Vincent Racing Inc. released a statement in response to recent developments regarding the dissolution of Chris Vincent's contract with Warnert Racing's snocross team.

In the release, Vincent said that a media release that was supposed to be sent out, never made it to the appropriate media outlets. "To my knowledge and immense frustration, not only has that release not been distributed, from what I hear there has been no release of any kind distributed by the team," noted Vincent.

"It is probably fairly common knowledge within the industry now that I am no longer a member of the Warnert Racing snocross team, but it appears there are also some misconceptions and simply untrue rumors circulating as to why and how this all happened. So, I felt it necessary to issue my own statement or release to hopefully help clarify the situation," wrote Vincent.

"To correct one major misconception, no one got fired. The ultimate decision to go our separate ways was a mutual decision by all involved. And while the decision may have been mutual, the original request to be released from the contract in fact came from me," continued Vincent.

"I think I should place everything in its chronological order at this time to make sure everything is as clear as possible. First, on February 26 of this year I asked Warnert Racing if I could be released from my contract at the end of the season. The next day, February 27, I received a request from Warnert Racing to put my request in writing. I created a written request that same day, and it was presented to Warnert Racing on February 28. At that same time we discussed in depth the reasons I had detailed in my request to be released. Following that discussion, I was asked by Warnert Racing if I was interested in 'being done now.' Following that decision it was agreed we would part company pretty much effective immediately."

Vincent outlined his frustration at the rumors circulating about the circumstances of his separation from Warnert Racing.

"I hope this helps resolve the misconceptions and eliminates the rumors surrounding this unfortunate development. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who have continued to support me throughout this season, one very difficult professionally but especially personally. My friends and family have been wonderful, and the fans have been just incredible. Their cheers have often been just the thing to keep me going and make it bearable. Thanks to you all," said Vincent.
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