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With the first season of USXC cross country racing in the books, attention turned to growth for the 2013-2014 season. USXC founder Brian Nelson was pleased with year one, “We were able to run all eight events, injuries were down and entries were up.” The focus is on increasing entries and expanding USXC racing to a broader group of enthusiasts.

In USXC season two, the focus is to get cross country racing back to its grassroots past. To achieve that, a number of rule changes were made to take effect. One of the most significant changes coming in 2015 is the mandating of EPA compliant sleds for all classes, including Pro. In 2015, special-build race sleds, at least in their current form, will no longer be allowed to race.

Nelson cites a number of benefits, “This eliminates race fuel, which can cost over $2,000 a year. This will also level the playing field and cut down on expensive failures due to the timing issues, clutch problems and jetting changes required by the current race 600s.”

Nelson wants more dealership involvement, which he feels will also be good for the race circuit.

Other changes for the coming season include a 50 percent throttle block for 10- to 13-year-old junior racers developed in conjunction with Arctic Cat for the Sno Pro 500. For recreational riders, the new Super Stock 600 class will be structured specifically for trail sleds.

All the best stuff from last year returns too, including 600cc and 85 horsepower classes for, literally, every skill level. Wondering what to do with that old ZR440 or XCR kicking around the back of the shed? Why not channel your inner Jack Struthers? Back from last season is the Vintage IFS (independent front suspension) class, a venue for these classic 440 buggies from a not-so-long-ago era. If you really want to turn back the clock and bust a move (but hopefully not your back) on your ’76 John Deere Liquidator, USXC has a class for that too.

The rumor mill has been swirling regarding one of the biggest pieces of news to come out of USXC Racing and snowmobile racing in general. The revival of a four day, 600-mile cross country race, similar to the old Winnipeg-to-St. Paul I-500, appears very close to reality. The race would run from just south of Winnipeg, Canada to Willmar, Minn. following much of the old I-500 route.

“We don’t have all the ground work done yet, but the project is moving along. We need a large number of spotters and helpers, and you can send us an email via our website if you’re interested,” Nelson said.

USXC is gearing up for another eight race events this season in addition to a Nov. 16 Race School in Brainerd, Minn. and a Year End Awards Banquet in Walker, Minn. The season will kick off with the Gerald Dyrdahl Memorial Pine Lake race near Gonvick, Minn. on Dec. 14. Included in the schedule is the legendary Seven Clans I-500 near Thief River Falls, Minn. Feb. 6-8. The season wraps up on the shores of Leach Lake March 8 with the Moondance Jam 100 in Walker, Minn.

More information on classes, rules, etc. at or on Facebook.
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